Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Saga of Father John Corapi lastest update...

This is a very sad story no matter where you come down on this issue.

Fr. John Corapi a very zealous priest of the Church has made an announcement about the actions that he will take now and in the future in regards to his priestly ministry. He has announced that he will be leaving active priestly ministry and the reasons for this are that he feels that he will not receive a fair trail in the Church in regards to the accusations made against him. This is the link to his announcement.

Please feel free to comment on this story as it unfolds, very sad indeed.

Let us always pray for our priests they undergo so many attacks by the enemy.

If anyone needs some background to this issue, just read this article.

May God Bless and Guide Father John to accomplish His Holy will.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Looks like there are efforts to change the culture of death and selfishness.

There is a new website that is dedicated to showing the scientific side of the detrimental effects that pornography has on us as humans and the effects that are destroying our society at large. We wonder why bad things are happening in society and our personal lives, because we have abandon the search for the Truth. We need to search for truth and we need to find Him!

I see this as the Church's teachings being verified by authentic and honest science.

Check this website out and let us moblize and fight the GOOD fight and finish the race.

When will we heed the call of Our Lord to Repent and believe in the Gospel.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

No Rapture

Well if you weren't aware there was a prediction that the rapture was going to happen yesterday. Surprise, Surprise, it didn't happen.

In the early church and for centuries we have had people predicting the end of the world or the second coming of Jesus. Usually the charismatic zeal that these leaders show are very alluring to those who are longing for hope for the triumph of good. Also people are drawn to these people and predictions because in a world that is very subjective about religious truth they long for some certainty and objective truth about their beliefs. But for me all these predictions (which haven't come true) only prove one thing that being in a christian community separated from the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church leads persons into error about the truth of the Christian Faith. We have to be aware that Jesus in the New Testament tells us that we will not know the time or the hour of His second coming. And that those who give us these dates are misguided souls.

Let us continue to pray for the unity of all Christians that we may all be made One in the Church established, protected, and guided by Jesus Christ...The Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI in space?

Fox News reported on the amazing first live communication of the Roman Pontiff with those scientists who are in space.

The Pope, an ever present evangelizer, calls to the minds of those astronauts thoughts of their work and it's relation to God. The Pope says: "In the midst of your intense work and research, do you ever stop and reflect like this, perhaps even pray to the creator? Or will it be easier for you to think about these things once you have returned to Earth?"

The Pope trying to connect for our culture and our world the mission of the physical and theological sciences and the wonder and beauty that can come from such an open relationship to the truth.

Unfortunately in our world today too many "experts" get bogged down in asserting and defending false judgements instead of wondering and listening to the truth as it guides us to Him.

May the Pope be blessed in his mission on earth and may we in these times listen to him.

Read more:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Catholic's Come Home...A New Catholic Website dedicated to the New Evangelization...

Not sure if you have seen at your local Catholic parishes a yard sign or some pamphlets in your Church talking about this program called "Catholics Come Home" but it looks really great. I am aware that even some bishops are highly encouraging their faithful to be involved in promoting their website and other materials. I would encourage anyone reading this to do the same. It is a very sad reality that so many Catholics that grow up in the faith in the western world today wind up not practicing their faith as they experience spiritual difficulties or spiritual "boredom". Most or at least some of the blame of course is a result of many person's in Catholic leadership not teaching or living out the Catholic faith and where they have failed the truly faithful ones have to take up the call to evangelize and in some cases re-evangelize. Go and check out their website and if your parish is not aware of this program see if you can encourage this there or in any other Catholic place that might be open to this kind of program. Let us pray for all those Catholics who are seeking the truth may they find Him.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Glories of Communism?

There is a new report out claiming that about 50,000 Christians are in forced work camps in North Korea. I love living in one of the most free countries in the world and hearing from certain people how great this country would be if it were just more communist. How long will it take for people to realize the utter brutality and horrors that have resulted under this flawed system of government? Need examples look at Cuba, look at Russia, when it was known as the U.S.S.R., Look at East Berlin after World War II and now look at North Korea where religious freedom is non-existent and you can become a slave of the government because you want to believe as a Christian. This is not the only communist country to feel threatened by the beliefs of Christianity...look into it, we can't afford not to. May the Cross of Jesus Christ continue to be the banner of victory for us.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Priest who is Fox News contributor has new book on how Self-Help is not enough we need God...

Fr. Johnathan Morris has become a regular face on Fox News, and the face of a Catholic priest none the less. When I am able to catch a listen to Fr. Johnathan, as he is referred to on Fox News, I like what I hear and am impressed with the way he handles himself on air.

Just the other day I found out, via Fox News, that he had a new book coming out titled "God Wants You Happy: From Self-Help to God's Help". And anyone reading this, which is probably only me :), This book is very long over due. In today's world self-help books have become the modern day personal bible for so many people. This trend has even found it's way into many Christian communities without proper discernment between where self-help begins and where God's help starts. I look forward to purchasing Fr. Johnathan's book and hopefully others will too in order to get a proper sense of how to truly find happiness which can only be found in You oh Lord.